IBM이 deal 을 하는군요..
HP 에 대항하기 위함인가요? 일단 IBM의 의견일 뿐이네요. Sun 의 입장은 아직 없습니다.

IBM in talks to buy Sun Microsystems

Posted by: Peter Mularien on 3? 18, 2009 DIGG
From the article:

IBM is in talks to buy Sun Microsystems Inc for at least $6.5 billion, The Wall Street Journal reported, in a deal that could bolster their computer server products against rivals such as Hewlett-Packard Co.

That would translate into a premium of about 100 percent over Sun's Nasdaq closing price Tuesday of $4.97 a share, the paper said, citing people familiar with the matter.

Sun, which was not immediately available for comment, has long been cited as a takeover target for International Business Machines Corp, HP, Dell Inc or Cisco Systems Inc, which this week unveiled its plan to start making blade servers that power corporate computer networks.


Link to Reuters Article

What would this mean for the future of Sun and Java technologies? Would IBM be a faithful steward of JCP and openness? What would happen with the Sun JVM and the IBM JVM?

While we all tire of "is Java dead?" discussions, I thought this one was interesting enough to post and generate discussion.

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